Title: 1980's Rowntree's Fruit Gums & Fruit Pastilles

Medium: Oil On Board

Framed Size: 71cm x 61cm



The story begins in 1862, when Henry Rowntree bought a cocoa works in York and transformed it into a confectionary company. They launched Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles in 1881 which were a huge success, and led the company to develop Rowntree's Clear Gums (now know as Fruit Gums) in 1893.

Although both Fruit Gums & Fruit Pastilles are available today the packaging has changed many times over the years. The design on these two 1980s packets takes me right back to my childhood. It took me a long time to source these wrappers which I put around modern packets of the sweets. In this painting I wanted to capture the designs and texture of the wrappers but also the sweets.


This painting is currently on loan at Museum of Brands in the 'Brushstrokes to Brands' exhibition but will be available in 2024. For enquiries please call Steven: 07799113378 or CONTACT


For more works currently available please see: Available Still Life paintings